Category: methodology

  • The Hypothesis is Wrong – Long Live the Hypothesis!

    update: I now have it on good authority that, indeed, the arrangements in the tour book are for the crew, while the band enjoyed a somewhat more upscale experience. So, the hypothesis is correct, I just don’t have any parchment evidence for it. update2: here is link to the whole tourbook as a pdf. I…

  • Placeholder Dates

    Some time back, you all convinced me that I should track placeholder dates, and I agreed that it would be helpful in all kinds of ways. But I confess that, not having systematically tracked all of this, it would be a truly massive pile of work to try to reconstruct it all. Does anyone have…

  • Garciaverse Event Typology

    So, the unit of analysis in my basic framework is an “event”, defined as GD (musical), JG (musical), or nonmusical. My method can only pick up events assignable to one or several 24-hour-or-less slices of time. So, something that happened May 25 can be picked up as an event, but something that happened “in late…

  • Black Roots about Native Americans?

    I am thinking about Native American musical influences on Garcia. As far as I can tell, they are mediated by whites: Hank Williams’s “Kaw-Liga,” Bill Monroe’s “Cheyenne,”Peter Rowan’s “Land Of The Navajo” (which the latter inspired). Is there any black traditional music with Native American narrative or musical themes? Like, any old banjo tunes about…

  • Geocoding

    I have been busy geocoding my Garciavents. Since I do this stuff by hand, it’s rather laborious. But I am excited about the possbilities the work will create! With Clio and Geo (so to speak), animated maps should be a snap.

  • JGMF Bibliography

    Why not try it out, see how it works?

  • Independent Voices Independent Voices: An Open Access Collection of An Alternative Press I signed up, click browse, did a search on “Grateful Dead” and … wow … check it out. Lots of results. I do not see a way to access the scans, and a subcription link gets me nowhere. If you are interested in that…

  • Institutions and Paper Trails

    Formal institutions, “with their explicit mandates, methods of operation, and extensive paper trails, provide the more ready means for tracking and marking change, as evidence drawn from noninstitutional settings must often rely more heavily on interpretation and conjecture” (Orren and Skowronek 2004, 25; see also p. 79).

  • Carl Lockett and the Side Trips Social Network

    Preface: Reconstruction #2 Jerry Garcia’s commitment to Reconstruction never seemed total, a big problem if you’re John Kahn, first, and then Merl Saunders, looking to reboot the lucrative Garcia-Saunders-Kahn Fantasy Records franchise. It’s no good if the G is wobbly, because “multiracial dance and jazz band with a rotating cast of Bay Area guitarists, including…

  • Lossless Legs Garcia Lists

    Lossless Legs Garcia Lists I just wanted to point out how essential the Lossless Legs Garcia Lists have become to me lately. Tip o’ the cap, as always, to everyone involved in bringing such lovely resources together.