Category: misc
Jerry Garcia Hand Print Face Mask?
Anyone heard of any craftsy, enterprising Deadheads making Covid-era face masks with Garcia’s hand print? If so, please let me know, as I am in the market for one.
I accidentally let a few notes of “Looks Like Rain” slip into my ears this morning. I immediately went to hit stop, but I was too late. I have disinfected everything and am self-quarantining for 14 days so as not to infect the rest of you.
Major New Piece of Instrument Research
Michael Clem has published a major piece of research into Garcia’s instruments over at LIA’s old stomping grounds. I don’t know gear, and will surely make use of it whenever I have a question about it.
Popper on Ignorance
“The more we learn about the world, and the deeper our learning, the more conscious, specific, and articulate will be our knowledge of what we do not know, our knowledge of our ignorance” (Popper 2002 [1963], 38). “our knowledge can be only finite, while our ignorance must necessarily be infinite” (Popper 2002 [1963], 38). “while…
Paper Inspiration
In the man-cave in which JGMF happens, I mostly work while facing this wall. My aim is to build a poster collection (which might, naturally, spill over onto other walls) with posters for as many Garcia On The Side configurations as I can. I don’t have a ton of money for this, so I often…
The Things You Learn …
… while pawing through stuff at the GD Archives. Case in point: the original Mars Hotel artwork was run over by a UPS truck. Now you know.
Ateliers to Empereur
Les Sports Illustrés (Brussels, Belgium) moved from 3, rue des Ateliers to 12, rue de l’Empereur sometime between 1924 and 1926. Business must have been good. Added bonus, the one from Workshop Street, no. 188, has a story about some 1924 New York Giants barnstorming outside of Paris.
A relentless tinkerer said
“if it ain’t broke, fix it until it is.” Wise words.
Enjoying a nice fallow period, been listening to lots of stuff that’s not Jerry. What have you been listening to?
Public to Private
Proposition 13: “Grr ah. Grr ah. Grrr rrrr rrrr ah,” URL Public libraries: “San Diego Public Library, and Public Libraries,” URL Sesame Street: Winter, Jessica. 2015. Why Sesame Street’s Move to HBO Is Both Great and Extremely Depressing., August 13, URL, accessed 8/15/2015.