Category: misc

  • Where I Go

  • Cryptical Developments

    Just wanted to shout out a welcome to Cryptical Developments, which I know will be a wonderful addition to this neat little community that seems to be developing around GD-/ SF-related deep history/scholarship. Like the other blogs that I consider part of this group, this one is now in my links to the right.

  • Fall is Going to be Busy

    I have a strong feeling that this fall is going to be very, very busy from next week through, well, fall. Probably won’t have much time to post, but will try to do so. Here’s hoping!

  • NAU

    People keep asking me about the North American Union (NAU). As one of its architects, I am sworn to secrecy. Blast these Boston Globe reporters! h/t Drezner.

  • Microphonicus Rex

    Tasting, Tasting.