Category: movies

  • Zabriskie Point in Sausalito

    Zabriskie Point (IMDB) played at the Marin Theatre in Sausalito, let’s say around Thursday, April 2, 1970. It had debuted nationally on February 9 (less than three weeks after Garcia recorded his contribution to the soundtrack, the stunning “Love Scene Improvisation”). Maybe it had been playing for awhile already. I want to note that there’s…

  • UMass ‘Master of the Fretboard’: JGB, February 20, 1980 (late show)

    LN jg1980-02-20.jgb.late.aud-Sony_23F-Nak_550.131018.flac2448 The Jerry Garcia Band (JGB #11a) played 22 shows in the 29 days of February 1980, warming up locally and then touring college and off-campus theaters, reportedly to help pay for the film rights to Kurt Vonnegut’s “Sirens of Titan”. I have all kinds of information about John and Jerry’s quest for those…

  • Jerry: The Movie Looks awesome. I will have very high hopes for this!

  • March 23, 1975 – Jerry Garcia Interview

    I don’t know who the interviewer is, nor the radio station from which this particular recorded. It is the first track of shnid-126296. This is the interview Jerry gave before the SNACK Benefit at Kezar Stadium. Sounds like reading the newspapers around the time of the show will prove interesting, mismanagement of budgets by bureaucrats…

  • Reading Notes: Harris, David. 1970. Rock’s First Family: Grateful Dead. Circus 4, 4 (March): 32-35 .

    Just figured I’d post my random scribbles about stuff as I read.  Harris, David. 1970. Rock’s First Family: Grateful Dead. Circus 4, 4 (March): 32-35. This article is based on discussions that appear to have happened in January 1970, since Tom Constanten is present. Recall that there have been various discussions of this timeframe online:…

  • Battle of Algiers, again

    Saw Battle of Algiers again today. Great stuff, and so resonant with US in Iraq. You’ve got your torture, and your generic willingness to forego legality at the altar of lethality and alleged effectiveness. You’ve got Mathieu telling the media to toe the line (though US MSM ca. 2007 would never dare to ask such…

  • Midnight Express

    Saw Midnight Express for the first time a few nights ago. I guess it looked interesting based on the Blockbuster online description. Feh. Didn’t like it. Was not persuaded or in the least moved by the main character’s descent into madness. Poorly acted, phony feeling, in particular in the rendering of the Turkish as monsters,…

  • Judgment at Nuremberg

    Saw “Judgment at Nuremberg” for the first time last week. Loved it. I wish our current regime would take a look at this and see how those accused of even the most heinous acts should be treated. The way we treat our captives expresses who we are, not who they are. I like the way…

  • Black Gold

    Just watched Black Gold: Wake Up and Smell the Coffee. Despite the overbearing subtitle, it is actually pretty deft in making its case to the average 1st World coffee drinker. It starts off with the coffee side of things for the first 50 minutes or so, then spends some time on the more general issues…

  • Battle of Algiers

    Finally saw Battle of Algiers last night … magnificent! It will reward repeated viewing. Of course, the torture and counterinsurgency techniques depicted seem, with certain exceptions, relatively mild compared to what we are surely doing in Iraq and in connection with the GWOT. With certain exceptions (the bombing of occuped houses, execution), a sense of…