Category: Night Times

  • Night Times

    So, I have now gone through all of the Night Times that were held at the San Francisco Public Library. It appears I have not been able to consult the following presumed issues: May 31, – June 13, 1972 July 12-25, 1972 July 26 – August xxx, 1972 August xxx-xxx, 1972 August xxx – September…

  • Color: January 12-25, 1972 Night Times listings

    Here are some listings from the Night Times, with a few scattershot thoughts. 1) The Berkeley Night Times is a gem. 2) It’s especially good re: race. The range of clubs it covers exceeds most other sources – you’ve got the country clubs, the rock clubs, the black soul/R&B/gospel clubs, the Latin clubs, a little…

  • Jerry Garcia Sometime Before Christmas

    Night Times, published out of Berkeley for about a year (as far as I know) in 1971-1972, is a treasure. I found a review of Chez Panisse just shortly after it opened, but it’s loaded with great music, art, etc. content. Anyway, I liked this one, from the December 23, 1971 – January 3, 1972…