Category: Novato

  • Rolling Thunder Data

    Rumor has long had it that Mickey has a massive trove of tape and information related to recordings made at his barn studio, a.k.a. Rolling Thunder, at 2495 Novato Blvd. between about 1971 and sometime in the early 1980s. As usual, Corry has done outstanding work pinning some of this down, but there’s probably oodles…

  • Grateful Dead at Olompali, ca. June 1969

    I was just sniffing around Olompali a little bit. It’s a powerful place. I need to write a lot about it. Anyway, sniffing around, as I say, and I come across this image: And it comes from this blog post: I only infer June 1969 because that’s how the picture is dated. The I…