Category: PA

  • Cat in the Limelight: RN Grosswald and Blavat 1978

    Grosswald, Mike and Glen Blavat. 1978. Jerry Garcia’s Band Under the Stars. Happytimes (Philadelphia), March 31, 1978, p. 15. Grosswald-Bavat 1978: This is a really nicely done piece from what I assume was a Philly underground paper, Happytimes, around the time of the JGB’s visit to that town in mid-March (3/16/78 at the Spectrum Theatre).…

  • GD: January 31, 1971, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA (CANCELED)

    Not much to say here, just another monkey wrench in the early ’71 touring works for the GD. A student committee agreed in November 1970 to try to bring the GD out for January 31, 1971. Somewhere along the line a Jefferson Airplane concert took place that offended the University administration’s sensibilities. It seems that…

  • GD: April 12, 1971, Civic Arena, Pittsburgh, PA

    Funny … I didn’t have this show in my spreadsheet, came across it and wrote a post, only to see that it’s listed at Deadlists and boasts a gorgeous Miller sbd over at the LMA. Heh Heh. I guess all I can salvage is that tickets were still available as of the day of the…

  • Nice Blazer, Kid

    JGJK: Eisenhower Auditorium, Penn State University, November 16, 1984 Archives of the Penn State Daily Collegian are available online at, which might prove useful for others (I have found lots of Jerry-related stuff). Just for giggles, I thought I’d post this little snippet from the police blotter over the weekend of the Jerry Garcia/John…