Category: Paramount Theatre

  • Late ’78 Kahn (JGB at Paramount Theatre, Portland, OR, October 26, 1978)

    LN jg1978-10-26.jgb.all.aud-severson.148655.flac2496 Not a ton to report. Kahn sounded absolutely amazing on this tour. Really, all through 1978. I don’t know if he changed something, if the sound people just dialed him in especially well, or something else, but the bass was big and fat. Great recording by Mark Severson, full of ambience. Garcia strong. Apparently…

  • GD Portland 7/25/72

    Man, that interlude in The Other One on 7/25/72 is the bee’s knees. Jim Powell’s analysis (at Deadlists) just refers to it as “mystery theme”. LIA: “the Allmans-like Jam in the Other One of 7/25/72 … sounds so composed it’s hard to believe they only did it once.” It sounded a little Jeffersonian, a little…