Category: PERRO

  • San Francisco Sessions, 1971

    I have been processing information from contracts filed at the American Federation of Musicians (AFM) Local No. 6 in San Francisco. San Francisco Sessions, 1967-1968 San Francisco Sessions, 1969 San Francisco Sessions, 1970 San Francisco Sessions, 1971 San Francisco Sessions, 1972 There is nothing representative about these – I have information on stuff that is…

  • San Francisco Sessions, 1970

    **updated 8/10/2015, especially under heading D** **update2 8/11, more, especially, in section D** **updated 8/12, re-ordered sections (now goes from more micro and Jerrycentric to more macro (and less so)), also reworked some of section D, though not really many new words.** I have been processing information from contracts filed at the American Federation of…

  • Darkness, Darkness

    **Fulsomely updated, 11/28/2014 at 12:34 PM, GMT -0700)** **update2: Blogger is making me crazy. Sorry for poor formatting** This post now needs to be completely reconstituted. 1. San Diego papers  I mentioned in my 11/18/73 post that the San Diego State Daily Aztec is digitized and online. Bravo, and thank you, librarians! They have also,…

  • Garcia on Stephen Stills albums

    Matt Scofield’s discography, at, is one of those incredible community resources that I have vowed never to take for granted. It’s amazing, obviously a labor of love, and it contains a wealth of information about the GD, Garcia, and lots of the related and contemporaneous acts, venues, albums and individuals of interest. Here I’ll…

  • Wally Heider’s, July 1971

    Of course, we already knew that Jerry was recording Garcia in July of 1971 (though I have never been able to find any precise dates, and Bob Mathews won’t answer my queries). We also already knew that Heider’s was absolutely happening. I keep hoping that someday Steve Silberman will write a book about the Planet…