Category: Petaluma

  • New-to-The-List from the Examiner, 1973-end

    This is a followup to New-to-The-List from the Examiner, 1970-1972. I include new-to-The-List dates, some that were advertised and seem to have been canceled, a few other weird things I uncovered. The Examiner was quite a task. If the Chronicle were digitized, that’d be the last frontier for me. At this point, returns are diminishing,…

  • ‘Yayyyyy, Jerry!’

    LN jg1981-04-18.jgb.all-1.aud-jaret.107843.flac1644 Looks like I hear a mixed bag – HSII and CJ strong to start, but on STOF I call him zonked – “Sounds like he’s learning how to sing on smack”, and there are various clusterfucks. Little kid in the crowd gives a “Yayyyyy, Jerry!” as Our Hero steps up for “Let It…