Category: posters

  • ISO OAITW paper

    ISO OAITW paper

    I am looking, not quite desperately but maybe with some urgency, for some vintage Old And In The Way paper. Could be an Old And In The Way poster, could be an Old And In The Way handbill. I am writing Fate Music, with a credible plan to finish the manuscript this calendar year. The…

  • Paper Inspiration

    In the man-cave in which JGMF happens, I mostly work while facing this wall. My aim is to build a poster collection (which might, naturally, spill over onto other walls) with posters for as many Garcia On The Side configurations as I can. I don’t have a ton of money for this, so I often…

  • Mickey and the Hartbeats, October 1968

    Someday I may write up a post about these shows that I love so much and that are so central to my thinking. But for now I just wanted to show off the poster I splurged and bought myself. Updates: ! note: Note the misdating to 1969 by Grushkin’s AOR. ! ref: AOR 2.118: October…