Category: reading notes

  • Reading Notes: Kreutzmann, Bill, with Benjy Eisen. 2015. Deal: My Three Decades of Drumming, Dreams, and Drugs with the Grateful Dead. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press.

    Kreutzmann, Bill, with Benjy Eisen. 2015. Deal: My Three Decades of Drumming, Dreams, and Drugs with the Grateful Dead. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press. This wasn’t as bad as I had feared it might be. You can see that I switched half-way through to endnotes. I have been thinking that works best, all things…

  • Reading Notes: Signpost to a New Space and Stoned Sunday Rap

    These are “reading notes” – little stuff I cull when I read. I copy and paste the quotes into thematic documents (e.g., drugs.docx), so all of this has been “processed” out of the book, and up one level, into thematic or other kinds of buckets. You may not find the quotes of greatest interest to…

  • Reading Notes: Dupree 1974

    Zoo World, January 31, 1974. “Cover photo captured by Mario Algaze the afternoon of a Leas Campbell presentation of the Grateful Dead at Curtis Hixon Hall in Tampa, Fla.”, December 18 or 19, 1973. A clean-shaven Jerry Garcia in Tampa, Florida, December 18 or 19, 1973. Photograph by Mario Algaze, published in Zoo World, January…

  • Reading Notes – Loren 2014

    Loren, Richard, with Stephen Abney. 2014. High Notes: A Rock Memoir. Demariscotta, ME: East Pond Publishing. When I read a book that I will need to be able to cite chapter and verse, this is how I arrange the chapters and verses. I just pull out quotes and other observations, I effectively tag them, and…

  • Fall 1971: Keith Speaks, records, FM broadcasts

    van Matre, Lynn. 1972. The Grateful Dead Haven’t Changed Much. Now Sound 1, 4 (January): 4, 14. Very brief little piece, the text of which I reproduce in full, à la Dead Sources, below the fold. Here, just a few bullets, I’ll also file under “reading notes“. The interview material with Phil Lesh and Keith…

  • Elves, Gnomes, Leprechauns and Little People’s Chowder and Marching Society Volunteer Fire Brigade and Ladies Auxiliary String Band

    I cannot make any representation for the accuracy of any of this. It’s a fascinating piece, of course. Dister was a famous French rock journalist (wiki) who spent ca. 1966-early 1968 in San Francisco, apparently spending a ton of time with the Dead, if the narratives are to be believed. I am sure it is…

  • RN Peter Simon 1975 New Age Journal

    Simon, Peter. 1975. Making Musical Miracles: An Interview with Jerry Garcia. New Age Journal .5 (May 1975): 52-59. This is a really neat piece, lots of great stuff.  Interview took place at the “film house”  (230 Eldridge Avenue, Mill Valley, CA, 94941), ca. the last week of March 1975. Love his notion of “tight-loose” forms…

  • RN Sandy Troy’s Captain Trips (1994)

    Reading Notes Troy, Sandy. 1994. Captain Trips: A Biography of Jerry Garcia. New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press. JG devoted to music Troy 1994, xiii JG was into all kinds of music: folk, bluegrass, country, acid rock, R&B, gospel, jazz. But he never dabbled, he always “plunged in” Troy 1994, xiii Jose Ramon Garcia emigrated from…

  • RN Sandy Troy’s One More Saturday Night (1991)

    Troy, Sandy. 1991. One More Saturday Night: Reflections with the Grateful Dead, Dead Family, and Dead Heads. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Reading Notes “by the fall of 1974 the band’s business ventures began to unravel” (Troy 1991, 27). #business JG and MG moved in together early 1967 (Troy 1991, 68). #women #v-Carousel as described…

  • RN Abbott 1979 Dead Reckoning and Hamburger Metaphysics

    Abbott, Lee. 1979. The Jerry Garcia Feature: Dead Reckoning and Hamburger Metaphysics. Feature (March): 32, 34-37. Also reprinted in Dodd and Spaulding 2000. Reading Notes Tags: 1978, Atlanta, interviews, drugs, Army, why, death, fascism, reading notes, GA Took place in Atlanta 12/18/78, at the Colony Court’s Savannah Suites hotel. Not sure the name address. Jerry,…