Category: Rock Scully

  • DOWN in South Jersey? JGB at Glassboro State College, February 15, 1981

    LN jg1981-02-15.jgb.all.aud.137422.flac1644 Rock Scully’s book Living with the Dead (1996) gets mixed reviews for all kinds of reasons, among them that he presents lots of factually inaccurate information. But, on another intepretation –and, I think, relaying something Corry has expressed– the book may not be right, but it contains lots of truth. Here is some of his…

  • “The Little Cash Cow” – JGB, Early 1980

    Last weekend’s post “On the Bus with the Garcia Band” looked at the November-December 1983 JGB tour’s extensive ground travel – everything was by bus, 3,000 miles on the road in a few weeks in the eastern time zone. Commenter Nick asked a great question comparing that tour with earlier ones, pointing out Ozzie Ahlers’s…

  • January 18, 1985: Strung Out and Busted

    January 18, 1985 has got to be Rock Bottom for Jerry Garcia: strung out and busted. But let me step back. Six days earlier, Garcia gave an interview to Jas Obrecht and Jon Sievert (Obrecht 1985, 2010). Obrecht reports that the interview took place at the home of Nora Sage, said to be a fan…

  • Bullshit! Bullshit! Reprise (LN jg1985-05-31.jgjk.early.aud-pinedo.32007.shn2flac)

    updated 20140408 I have told the story once before of the Jerry Garcia/John Kahn acoustic duo early show on May 31, 1985, in the context of Bill Graham’s branding of the ’86-87 JGB tours down south as “The Jerry Garcia Band Electric“. I want to flesh out a bit more detail from the two named…

  • RN Sandy Troy’s One More Saturday Night (1991)

    Troy, Sandy. 1991. One More Saturday Night: Reflections with the Grateful Dead, Dead Family, and Dead Heads. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Reading Notes “by the fall of 1974 the band’s business ventures began to unravel” (Troy 1991, 27). #business JG and MG moved in together early 1967 (Troy 1991, 68). #women #v-Carousel as described…