Category: Sacramento

  • About Last Night

    Hell may freeze over, but here I am. A new man. (Call it my epitaph for JGMF.) But I am going to post about the Post-Jerry-Garcia-Grateful-Dead-Cinematic-Universe (PJGGDCU). Just read Selvin 2018 for a sense of things. I think Thoughts On The Dead coined an acronym for this which is of course canon. I am just…

  • Taper Extraordinaire Sean Webber-Small

    Spinning Sean Webber-Small’s spaced omni recordings of the GD at Cal Expo on this date in 1990. I am not sure if I was there – I don’t think so, but I can’t really remember and I can’t find my stubs to verify one way or the other. But SWS generously shares some insights into…

  • JGB: September 19, 1975, Crabshaw Corner, Sacramento, CA

    Thanks to Corry for answering my query on January 26, 1976 which also included a question about 11/4/78. Before starting my post, I  just want to take a second to recognize Corry’s role in Garcia historiography. He has been not only an essential bridge across different documents (Soto, McNally) and traditions (from handwritten lists to…