Category: Sandy Troy

  • RN Sandy Troy’s Captain Trips (1994)

    Reading Notes Troy, Sandy. 1994. Captain Trips: A Biography of Jerry Garcia. New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press. JG devoted to music Troy 1994, xiii JG was into all kinds of music: folk, bluegrass, country, acid rock, R&B, gospel, jazz. But he never dabbled, he always “plunged in” Troy 1994, xiii Jose Ramon Garcia emigrated from…

  • RN Sandy Troy’s One More Saturday Night (1991)

    Troy, Sandy. 1991. One More Saturday Night: Reflections with the Grateful Dead, Dead Family, and Dead Heads. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Reading Notes “by the fall of 1974 the band’s business ventures began to unravel” (Troy 1991, 27). #business JG and MG moved in together early 1967 (Troy 1991, 68). #women #v-Carousel as described…