Category: SF

  • NRPS June 21-23, 1971 Boarding House – CANCELED

    San Francisco Chronicle, June 21, 1971, p. 47. Here’s an interesting one that I don’t quite know what to do with – NRPS and Rowan Bothers playing the Boarding House June 21-23, 1971. Of course, Garcia was in France on 6/21, and even gaining back 7 or 8 hours he probably couldn’t have been back…

  • JGMS: May 25, 1971 Keystone Korner: new to The List

    San Francisco Chronicle, May 24, 1971, p. 42. Garcia and Saunders listed for Tuesday, May 25, 1971 at Keystone Korner. New to The List. More color around Friends and Relations and the Tuesday Fillmore West auditions.

  • JGMS: Matrix, May 11-12, 1971

    There is a great half-hour tape labeled as Garcia-Saunders at the Matrix, May 11, 1971. I had always thought it was a little suspect, as I had never seen any other corroborating information, though it is listed at the Chicken’s Matrix List. This calendar listing from the San Francisco Chronicle (May 10, 1971, p. 45)…

  • JGMS: June 11, 1974 Keystone Berkeley – new to The List

    So here’s a new one for The List: JGMS at Keystone on Tuesday, June 11, 1974. But note, too, that Merl is playing Sand Dunes on Monday the 10th – this could very easily be a Monday on which Garcia sat in. The fact that Tony Saunders played with Merl and Jerry the week prior…

  • Fragments

    Look at how my eye focuses – I want the listings big enough to read, and I want the publication information along with them, if possible. That’s the scanning area I created and captured here. Look what gets cut, “on the margins” of my view, you might say. Besides the adult theaters, there’s some Maya…

  • Fun with Color

    Here is all kinds of color, from one John L. Wasserman column in the San Francisco Sunday Examiner and Chronicle Datebook from August 13, 1972: Mike Bloomfield, Elvin Bishop, and Johnny Winter jammed together a few days ago at Keystone Korner. This interests me because I am trying to piece Summer 1972 back together (see…

  • Merl Saunders, September 7-10, 1972: Black Expo ’72

    Merl Saunders is noted as participating in this big event at the SF Civic Auditorium, known variously as Black Quake or Black Expo ’72. Be neat to see which day(s) he played, with whom, and what! Oh yeah, this is the first time I have seen Night Times spell Merl’s first name correctly – took…

  • Jerry Garcia and David Bromberg, June 1972

    David Bromberg played the Boarding House, 960 Bush Street (San Francisco, CA,94109) June 13-17, 1972. Robert Dunn wrote a nice review in Night Times. This drew my eye because I recalled that Jerry recorded tracks for Demon in Disguise around this time. Indeed, he did: Table xxx. Jerry Garcia and David Bromberg: Demon in Disguise…

  • Jerry Garcia of Garcia-Saunders

    Love this for the Keystone Korner, ca. May 1, 1972, sounds like Selvin to me: “With Jerry Garcia of Garcia-Saunders out of town, not too much happening right now.” (listing: Night Times, May 3-16, 1972, p. 5.) In addition to reinforcing my point about the symbiosis between Jerry and Freddie, how quickly and deeply it…

  • Jerry and Freddie, mid-March 1972

    Above are the music listings from Night Times, March 8-21, 1972. Check ’em out if you’re interested, of course, but let me be Garciacentric and offer the following tidbit, about the deepening relationship between Jerry Garcia (et al.) and Freddie Herrera: Jerry and Merle [sic] —Night Times misspelled his name without fail through this point,…