Category: songs-H

  • If ACT = JGMS and Taper = Louis Falanga, and YYMM = 7402, does XX = 17?

    I recently wrote that in engaging any Garcia event, I first want to pin down the who, the where, and the what. So I want the sociometric, geometric, and the chronometric particulars … If I can pin down those three pieces about any given event with reasonable certainty, I feel like it “exists” in a…

  • The Hunter Gets Captured By The Game

    My first working title for Fate Music was The Hunter Gets Captured By The Game. The THGCBTG framing, as I lovingly acronymized it, reflected a slightly darker view of Garcia’s side trips than I presently hold, one in which his damned Midas Touch tainted even his silly bar band, which eventually had to play boomy…

  • The Hunter Gets Captured By The Game

  • Risky Reconstruction

    **massively updated 11/24/2014 11 PM mountain time** I just tipped my hat to the idea of meso level musical risk in Garcia’s side trips. This is the pedantic-even-by-my-high-standards phrasing of the notion that that different bands, qua bands (combinations of players and repertoires), could and did musically challenge Garcia to different degrees. The challenge-comfort continuum…

  • His voice is fading fast: JGB at SUNY New Paltz, 11/29/77

    LN jg1977-11-29.jgb.all.aud-cooper.berger.124217.flac2496 I have already posted about the fascinating setlist rarity, “Here Comes The Sun” popping up in the middle of “Stir It Up”. Neat. Beyond that, I note that this is a pivotal moment in Garcia’s singing. Everything’s still arranged around the highs he could hit early in 1976 and 1977. But in the…

  • JGB at Northwestern: Cahn Auditorium, March 12, 1976 (late show)

    LN jg1976-03-12.jgb.late.aud-unk.xxxxx.flac1644 My love of audience tapes is evident to anyone who reads here. The anthropological instinct (and practice) underpinning field recording enthralls me. To me, everybody who ever taped a gig is right there with Alan Lomax and all the rest. Now, sometimes you have to be willing to sacrifice your aesthetics a little…

  • The Group In and Around the Sarah Era: Boarding House, 1/24/73

    LN jg1973-01-24.jgms.early-late.sbd-nfagdtrfb.100216.flac1644 update: this post has so  many old links to the evil db.etree – please never use that URL. Substitute etreedb wherever you see db.etree. Thank you. (Man oh man does Blogger’s formatting suck. One can’t compose online, because stuff can get lost [viz my long beautiful post on Wales-Garcia 1/26/72]. One can’t compose…

  • Expressway to Homer’s: JGMS in Palo Alto, May 4, 1973

    LN jg1973-05-04.jgms.all.sbd-alligator.31283.flac1644 I. Introduction Acquisitiveness is a real affliction. Not only is it unattractive in its own right, but the pursuit of the “unhad” oftentimes crowds out other, periodically more productive activities. Consider my own pursuit of Garcia recordings. While I imagine what could be on a tape (real or imagined) that I don’t have,…

  • JGB: November-December 1977 East Coast Tour Rarities

    1977 The Jerry Garcia Band (JGB) was formed in 1975 to be a professional recording and touring band, and in productive years the Band would do a late-year East Coast tour. I’d guess the germ of this tradition formed in 1973, when Garcia and Saunders played the Hell’s Angels Forever gig on the S.S. Bay…