Category: Stevie Wonder

  • Twin Wonder Powers, Activate? JGMS, October 11-12, 1973 at Keystone Berkeley

    Tape Archaeology What used to be known by some of us as the Third Batch of Betty Cantor-Jackson tapes proved the most grudging of all the batches in terms of finding broad circulation. This especially vexed Garcia freaks, because it contained a number of drool-inspiring Garcia-Saunders sets. You might imagine where the mind would go,…

  • Risky Reconstruction

    **massively updated 11/24/2014 11 PM mountain time** I just tipped my hat to the idea of meso level musical risk in Garcia’s side trips. This is the pedantic-even-by-my-high-standards phrasing of the notion that that different bands, qua bands (combinations of players and repertoires), could and did musically challenge Garcia to different degrees. The challenge-comfort continuum…