Category: The Movie

  • Round Reels, Incorporated August 1, 1974

    Round Reels is the company Ron Rakow created for film projects, not least the Grateful Dead Movie. As with many of Rakow’s business activities, it’s really hard to find any solid information about the company. So when the corporate stamp came up for auction over the summer, I was very excited to see it! This…

  • Garcia’s Creative Accounting, late March 1975

    In late March 1975, Peter Simon interviewed Garcia at the “film house”  (230 Eldridge Avenue, Mill Valley, CA, 94941), for publication in New Age Journal (Simon 1975). NAJ: You’re also doing a solo album and touring with Merl Saunders. In that you have so many projects at once, how do you channel your energy so…

  • “Once in a while, …”

    .. you know the rest. Was just processing a 1975 article from Hit Parader, of all things. Yet a few things catch my eye: Gives working title for The Movie, soon-to-be released film There is Nothing Like A Grateful Dead Show.  Maybe this was out there, but I don’t remember seeing this in print like…

  • Reading Notes – Loren 2014

    Loren, Richard, with Stephen Abney. 2014. High Notes: A Rock Memoir. Demariscotta, ME: East Pond Publishing. When I read a book that I will need to be able to cite chapter and verse, this is how I arrange the chapters and verses. I just pull out quotes and other observations, I effectively tag them, and…

  • Jerry’s January 1976

    (formatting will almost certainly be a mess – I blame Blogger) I.                    Preface My band is in a state of flux right now. John Kahn and Ron Tutt and I are the main … are the nucleus of it, such as it is. We’re hoping to have a four-piece band that we all like, sometime.…

  • Jersey Shore, Jerry and Scher (VN jg1977-07-09.jgb.early)

    In July 1977, the Jerry Garcia Band went out east for a few big paydays playing for John Scher in Hempstead, NY and two shows on the Jersey Shore, at the Convention Hall in Asbury Park. I have reported on the first night (7/8) and on the 7/9 late show from an audience tape.  Lots…

  • March 23, 1975 – Jerry Garcia Interview

    I don’t know who the interviewer is, nor the radio station from which this particular recorded. It is the first track of shnid-126296. This is the interview Jerry gave before the SNACK Benefit at Kezar Stadium. Sounds like reading the newspapers around the time of the show will prove interesting, mismanagement of budgets by bureaucrats…

  • His voice is fading fast: JGB at SUNY New Paltz, 11/29/77

    LN jg1977-11-29.jgb.all.aud-cooper.berger.124217.flac2496 I have already posted about the fascinating setlist rarity, “Here Comes The Sun” popping up in the middle of “Stir It Up”. Neat. Beyond that, I note that this is a pivotal moment in Garcia’s singing. Everything’s still arranged around the highs he could hit early in 1976 and 1977. But in the…

  • RN Peter Simon 1975 New Age Journal

    Simon, Peter. 1975. Making Musical Miracles: An Interview with Jerry Garcia. New Age Journal .5 (May 1975): 52-59. This is a really neat piece, lots of great stuff.  Interview took place at the “film house”  (230 Eldridge Avenue, Mill Valley, CA, 94941), ca. the last week of March 1975. Love his notion of “tight-loose” forms…