Category: Todd Barkan

  • New-to-The-List from the Examiner, 1970-1972

    In addition to the tantalizing May 20-21, 1969 Garcia gigs at the Matrix, the newly-digitized Examiner has yielded a good number of previously unlisted, mostly-midweek Garcia gigs. A little list  from 1970-1972 follows. update: see also a subsequent list from 1973-end 11/2/70 (Monday): Jerry Garcia / BBHC / Ice / Cleveland Wrecking Company. Harding Theater.…

  • Jerry Garcia Band at Keystone Korner, December 19-21, 1976 (UNCERTAIN)

    I am a stickler for accuracy with things like band names, and yet, given what we know, you would think that the words in my title, “Jerry Garcia Band at Keystone Korner“, could not be strictly accurate. Garcia stopped playing Keystone Korner in 1972, three years before the Jerry Garcia Band existed, the stickler would…

  • JGMS: the show known variously as 1972-06-30, 1972-09-01, 1971-09-01

    So for a long time I have been wanting to lay down a marker regarding the dating of the wonderful Garcia/Saunders show that circulates variously as June 30, 1972, September 1, 1972, and (less commonly nowadays), September 1, 1971. I’ll concentrate on the former two dates –I have nothing to say about the ’71 possibility–…