Category: touring

  • Farewell to Ronnie at the Rainbow: JGB in Denver, November 19, 1981

    LN jg1981-11-19.jgb.all.aud-unk-vamarty.25792.shn2flac If Garcia’s local gigs paid for his smokes and such, his east coast jaunts paid the big bills. In the book I will try to narrate coherently (ha!) that late 1981 through 1982 showed Garcia trying to straighten out his financial and business affairs (including a relatively local early 1982 “tax tour” that never…

  • BS Pass – JGB – Fall 1993 – Slack Tour

    A while back I posted the crew tour book for the fall 1993 JGB tour, the band’s last. Since I love the look of these, I thought I’d add them to the mix. No idea who coined this the “Slack Tour”, but the Paul Mavrides image is great and these are just good clean fun.

  • The Hypothesis is Wrong – Long Live the Hypothesis!

    update: I now have it on good authority that, indeed, the arrangements in the tour book are for the crew, while the band enjoyed a somewhat more upscale experience. So, the hypothesis is correct, I just don’t have any parchment evidence for it. update2: here is link to the whole tourbook as a pdf. I…

  • “The Little Cash Cow” – JGB, Early 1980

    Last weekend’s post “On the Bus with the Garcia Band” looked at the November-December 1983 JGB tour’s extensive ground travel – everything was by bus, 3,000 miles on the road in a few weeks in the eastern time zone. Commenter Nick asked a great question comparing that tour with earlier ones, pointing out Ozzie Ahlers’s…

  • On the Bus with the Garcia Band

    I was going through the tour documents for the Jerry Garcia Band’s November-December 1983 tour, which was unusually long. I haven’t compared the various JGB tours, but this one and/or the late ’77 tour are the two longest I can think of, without double checking. I have more documents from the 70s than the 80s,…

  • Money Money

    Grateful Dead Touring Revenues, 1965-1995, via David Davis’s Grateful Seconds blog. The musical accompaniment is great, even if it prevents me from navigating away. 😉  Davis has just provided me with a beautiful gift – an estimate of annual Grateful Dead touring revenue, also with the component data. Wow. While I have posed some questions…

  • Jerry Garcia, January 17, 1972-January 29, 1972

    Here’s a visualization of the Garciaverse from January 17-29, 1972. This being blogger, I hope you can see it. “Jerry Garcia, January 17, 1972-January 29, 1972” Here is the Codebook as PDF. There’s no particular reason I am showing this slice, just wanted to give you all a look at how some of the cancellations…