Category: Umberto Eco

  • On Accuracy

    The recent June 5th brought out more than a tiny number of people to recognize the Oregon State Penintiery show on the anniversary of its performance — June 5, 1982 — rather than on the date given by the old bootleg tape. Because the bootleg was one of the mostly widely held Garcia recordings in…

  • The List Tradition: Chronicling Infinity

    Beyer, Susanne, and Lothar Gorris. 2009. SPIEGEL Interview with Umberto Eco: ‘We Like Lists Because We Don’t Want to Die’. Spiegel Online International, November 11,, consulted 1/4/2016. I don’t know Eco very well, and there’s a bit of mumbo-jumbo in here, but I think it’s also a lovely little piece of cultural history, very…