Category: uncertain gigs

  • Where Was the Grateful Dead on Sunday, August 24, 1969?

    Here are the listings from the great San Francisco Express Times, vol. 2 no. 32 (August 21, 1969), p. unk. There’s lots of interest here, of course. But I have circled the item that interests me most greatly. It’s under the listings for Sunday, August 24, 1969, and reads as follows: Hippy Hill: Trans-Cultural Rip-Offs,…

  • November 24, 1968: Jam with Jefferson Airplane, Grande Ballroom, Detroit, MI (POSSIBLE)

    In connection with another post that is taking me a long time to finalize, I have been looking at the various crossings of Garcia and the Jefferson Airplane. Among the many sources I have been using is Scott Abbot’s JABase volume 3, available online at There, I find a listing for the Airplane doing…

  • JGMS: July 13-15, 1972 (UNCERTAIN)

    The item above, from the great “Rock Talk by KG” column in the Hayward Daily Review (July 13, 1972, p. 27) says that Jerry Garcia and Merl Saunders will be playing Keystone Berkeley “through July 17”, implying shows on July 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17. There are no known (to me) Garcia conflicts with…

  • An Echo at Reconstruction’s Ending

    JG19790929: Reconstruction: Saturday, September 29, 1979, Keystone Palo Alto (UNCERTAIN) Listing for Reconstruction at Keystone Palo Alto, 9/29/79, from BAM no. 63 (September 1, 1979), p. 14. Like lots of us, I have been really busy. I’ll resist temptation to say a whole lot about this, but will try hard to just put it out…

  • OAITW late summer 1973 advertised shows: probably didn’t happen.

    Boy oh boy has it been quiet in the blogosphere that I know (here, LLD, and chez LIA). Busy busy busy with other things. So, just to warm back up, I figured I’d grab a small random thing. At various places and times I had speculated on/wondered about some possible Old And In The Way…

  • Q: Where was Jerry on June 24, 1981? A: Breaking in new singers at the Keystone Palo Alto

    update:  I have found a listing for JGB playing Keystone Palo Alto this Wednesday night, 6/24/81. It makes sense – first night out for Liz Stires and Essra Mohawk, and they usually played gigs on off-nights and/or off-the-beaten path when breaking in new members. That seems especially pertinent when the first two gigs are going…

  • JGB: January 26, 1976, Keystone, Berkeley, CA (CONFIRMED)

    updated post: I used to wonder if 1/26/76 was an actual Garcia Band show. tl;dr: it was.

  • HWJG19710801 question

    A little while back we had a whole series of things related to Howard Wales / Jerry Garcia Hooteroll? Hooteroll?–When Was It Recorded?  — LLD, Jan. 6, 2011 Response to LLD’s Hooteroll–When Was It Recorded? — JGMF, Jan. 7, 2011 Hooteroll? Next Part — JGMF, 1/13/2011 In that last one, I mentioned Blair Jackson’s information…

  • GD19671201-02: December 1-2, 1967, Psychedelic Supermarket, Boston, MA – CXL

    update note 20150517: I find it hard to update posts once I make them, too little time and all that. In any case, I think I have learned the following things. First, the Dead shows advertised for the Psychedelic Supermarket in Boston on December 1-2, 1967 ended up canceled. Is that right? Second, per commenter Bob…

  • JG: December 21, 1970 (Monday), Pepperland, San Rafael, CA

    At some point I need to figure out Pepperland. I see from a Rock Prosopography post on Sons of Champlin setlists that the venue was the Bermuda Palms ca. 1967, then became Euphoria Ballroom, then became Pepperland. Nothing turns up on Rock Archaeology. COAU has a little bit. With an address of 737 Francisco Blvd.…