Category: video

  • NRPS 12/15/73 Winterland w/ guests

    Uhhh, wow. The amazing NRPS archivist Rob Bleetstein not only responded to my query about the source for the NRPS official concert history listing that shows Garcia (guitar) and Sandy Rothman (banjo) sitting in with the New Riders on “Glendale Train”, 12/15/73 at Winterland (see also Corry). I say, he not only responded to my…

  • How Sweet It Is

  • Dead in the Panhandle – Sunday, April 9, 1967

    Video! (Reminder: Jerrybase benefits from the work of Gordon the Drummer, who maintains the state-of-the-art list of GD and JG videos for us. Thank you, GTD!) The 921 link has two minutes of pure gold, starting with the Grateful Dead playing “Caution”, high quality color and sound, a bit distant (but correspondingly…

  • GD and Garcia video on youtube

    An index – wow! I didn’t initially see the name, so tip o’ the hat to Dan Bryant. Thanks!

  • Jersey Shore, Jerry and Scher (VN jg1977-07-09.jgb.early)

    In July 1977, the Jerry Garcia Band went out east for a few big paydays playing for John Scher in Hempstead, NY and two shows on the Jersey Shore, at the Convention Hall in Asbury Park. I have reported on the first night (7/8) and on the 7/9 late show from an audience tape.  Lots…

  • Checking Donna Out While Jamming With Her Husband: JGB, April 2, 1976

    VN I’ll tag this “VN” in the title, for viewing notes. B&W Monarch Entertainment video from the Cap in Passaic. Not even a crusty aud in circulation, and low-gen video of the complete show drops from the sky, 38 years later. Wow. Viewing notes below. One of the most interesting things for me is…

  • JGB 9/15/76 S.S. Duchess, New York City Harbor, New York, NY

    The relationship between the Grateful Dead and the Hells Angels has been pretty well discussed, though I am sure there’s tons more to say. That’s for others to do. Here I’ll just note that Garcia also worked with the Angels outside the GD framework. I have made a few posts with Hells Angels content. I…

  • RN Peter Simon 1975 New Age Journal

    Simon, Peter. 1975. Making Musical Miracles: An Interview with Jerry Garcia. New Age Journal .5 (May 1975): 52-59. This is a really neat piece, lots of great stuff.  Interview took place at the “film house”  (230 Eldridge Avenue, Mill Valley, CA, 94941), ca. the last week of March 1975. Love his notion of “tight-loose” forms…

  • Video from The Stone?

    Anyone ever heard of any video circulating from Freddie Herrera and Bobby Corona’s The Stone (412 Broadway, San Francisco, CA, 94111)? Apparently video was shot there.

  • JGB April 2, 1976 Capitol Theatre, Passaic, NJ

    Wow. Earliest known JGB video. Wonderful. Hopefully there’s more video from the Cap yet to emerge! Thanks to whomever unearthed and shared this. Great, great stuff.