Category: Vince Guaraldi

  • Fun with Color

    Here is all kinds of color, from one John L. Wasserman column in the San Francisco Sunday Examiner and Chronicle Datebook from August 13, 1972: Mike Bloomfield, Elvin Bishop, and Johnny Winter jammed together a few days ago at Keystone Korner. This interests me because I am trying to piece Summer 1972 back together (see…

  • Reading Notes: Constanten, Tom. 1992. Between Rock and Hard Places: A Musical Autobiodyssey. Eugene, OR: Hulogosi Press.

    update 20120107: how could I have missed LIA’s post “Constanten on Constanten”? Anyway, there it is, excellent as always. Spent some time with this, mostly trying to get some more anchoring around Tarot, which has become quite a productive discussion in comments to my post on a “Rubber Duck Mime Band and Jerry Garcia” billing…

  • more on the keyboardist change, ca. 1971

    We have been going around on the various blogs about the engagement of Vince Guaraldi and Howard Wales with the GD/Garcia, and especially about Weir’s recollection that Howard Wales had a tryout as GD keyboardist. LIA has wondered aloud whether some of the 1970 “Hartbeats” gigs, e.g., in late July, were, effectively, the Wales tryouts.…