Category: vocals

  • I actually had to FF: JGB at Portland Meadows, 8/8/93

    LN jg1993-08-08.jgb.all.aud-vasseur.145607.flac1644 Nick thought the titular show was OK, but the vocals were so catastrophically bad that I actually couldn’t really listen to this. The only other show that has revulsed me in the same way was 11/23/72, and that was as much about the recording (overloaded, especially on the vocals) as it was about the…

  • His voice is fading fast: JGB at SUNY New Paltz, 11/29/77

    LN jg1977-11-29.jgb.all.aud-cooper.berger.124217.flac2496 I have already posted about the fascinating setlist rarity, “Here Comes The Sun” popping up in the middle of “Stir It Up”. Neat. Beyond that, I note that this is a pivotal moment in Garcia’s singing. Everything’s still arranged around the highs he could hit early in 1976 and 1977. But in the…