Category: WI

  • Poynette

    Let me just remind you on the show’s 49th birthday that three years after the fact, a program called “Studio None” on cable channel 4 in Madison apparently broadcast footage of the Dead and Baby Huey from the [4/26/70] gig. The listing refers to “the 1969 Poynette Rock Festival”, but I think this must be…

  • Last Show at Alpine Valley: JGB, September 15, 1989

    Jerry smiling at Clarence Clemons, Alpine Valley, 9/15/89. Photo credit: Todd Darrow. The Dead played this space all (and very often well) throughout the 80s. Garcia played it once, and it was his last time there. There must have been plenty of room to boogie on this night, as the place was half-full, but Jerry…

  • The Mecca

    These Dead shows from The Mecca in Milwaukee, WI, from April of 1989 are outstanding. Garcia is burning a hole in the atmosphere in “Little Red Rooster”, of all places. This band is Locked. In.

  • Sound Storm Echoes

    The Grateful Dead played a legendary gig at the Sound Storm festival on Mrs. Irene York’s farm near Poynette, Wisconsin on April 26, 1970. As ever, Corry is on the case, as is LIA over at Deadsources. I have a couple of obscure followups. First, three years after the fact, a program called “Studio None”…

  • GD: July 4, 1974, Titan Stadium, Oshkosh, WI (CXL)

    A mention in the Chicago Tribune of June 20, 1974 (1) notes that tickets are still available for the GD’s July 4th show at 10,000 seat Titan Stadium in Oshkosh, WI. I had though Corry had written this up over at Lost Live Dead, but I don’t see it there so I thought I’d at…

  • GD/NRPS: March 21, 1971, Expo Milwaukee Convention Center, Milwaukee, WI

    March 1971 is an interesting one to me re the GD. It’s overlooked between the (overrated, IMO) Port Chester shows of February and the college and Fillmore East shows of April. Given my taste for the obscure, I’d naturally be drawn to it. Musically, and thus most importantly, it has one of the most unusual…