Category: William Clifford

  • Alice Kahn Fall 1984 interview annotations

    These are for my purposes, no pretense to completeness. I find his comments about Joe Garcia to be quite revealing. There are a few other good nuggets in here. Man, even in the depths of his Rock Bottom period, he sounds engaged and articulate. What a mind! ~~~~~~~~~~~ Fall 1984 interview by Alice Kahn. Date…

  • Chieftains Opening for OAITW

    Update 7/22/2022: somehow I got the date wrong by a week, but in any case this Chieftains set is now being released by the Owsley Stanley Foundation! A book by John Glatt entitled The Chieftains: The Authorized Biography (St. Martin’s Press, 2015) describes Chesley Milliken arranging a meeting between Garcia and The Chieftains, who were…