Fate Music in a Nutshell: JGB at MSG: November 15, 1991

I just changed the name at the top of the blog from Jerry Garcia’s Middle Finger to reflect the progress I am making on Fate Music: Jerry Garcia’s Name-Claiming Journey Beyond the Grateful Dead. That subtitle subject to change, that lead title not.

The best summary narrative is in my review of Jerry Garcia Band. Garcia Live volume 16: Madison Square Garden, November 15th, 1991 (Round Records JGFRR1037, 2021) in Grateful Dead Studies volume 5 (2021/2022): 228-234 [pdf].

If Carousel and Matrix jams present the uhr moment for Jerry Garcia Beyond the Dead, this musician’s son’s first time headlining Madison Square Garden under his own name supply the acme.
Anyway, read the whole thing if you are so inclined. And, of course, stay tuned!
Thank you all for reading Jerry Garcia’s Middle Finger, commenting, correcting, all the rest. The function of this bit of cyberspace will remain mostly unchanged, maybe a bit more pimping. But this will still capture whatever random slop I can generate in the meager time I have.
If you are a lurker – come on out and play! “We’re trying to have a reasonably good time here”, and all that. I know the partly depends on me generating posts. I wouldn’t hold my breat, but, either way, gimme a shout here, email, or if you find yourself in Colorful Colorado.




