GD: 11/28/71, Marin Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium, San Rafael, CA (CXL)

“The Grateful Dead will play a benefit [at the Marin Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium] on Sunday for the benefit of Head Start.”

So saith a “Newgrams” in the Pacific Sun, week of Novmeber 25-December 1, 1971, p. 17.

update: David Davis found an IJ piece indicating the Marin County supes nixed the gig. Reported by LIA in comments below. Reference: 
“Benefits Banned for Two Weeks,” Daily Independent Journal (San Rafael, CA), November 24, 1971, p. 5.




3 responses to “GD: 11/28/71, Marin Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium, San Rafael, CA (CXL)”

  1. Corry342 Avatar

    I'm on it. I was planning to consult with Dr. Microfiche in any case, but we have to wait until the library re-opens later in the week.

    This falls into the category of "who says it isn't true?"

  2. Corry342 Avatar

    I took a brief time out from early 1967 to check the San Francisco Chronicle entertainment sections from Friday November 26 and Sunday November 30, 1971. Nada, I'm sad to say.

    I was hoping there would be a listing for a benefit or event at Marin Vets, even if it didn't include the Dead, but there was nothing. Marin Vets has 2000+ seats, and on a Sunday night in 1971 the Dead would have had a hard time selling out a stealth show.

    Anything's possible, of course, but this seems to be something that was planned that didn't happen.

  3. Light Into Ashes Avatar

    Dave Davis found this newspaper article from the San Rafael Daily Independent Journal, 11/24/71:

    Marin supervisors, expressing dismay over complications arising from tonight's benefit rock concert, yesterday banned for two weeks all benefit performances at the Veterans Memorial Building.
    The decision, by a 3-0 vote with two board members abstaining, wiped out a Sunday benefit planned for the Head Start program in Novato. James Torczyner, program director, vainly appealed the moratorium, which would enable county staff to work out guidelines for benefit programs.
    Sunday's concert was to feature the Grateful Dead, songs by a Head Start choir, and talent from Head Start families.

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