Grass Valley Grateful Dead

Why? Don’t ask why, just listen (if you care to).

Patched out of Yamaguchi/Poris and a set of modded Nak 700s. Someone speculates in notes whether a 3rd mic is operating, because Phil. And, yes, Straw ambling out, and – Phil. And, drums.

Here are the notes, some classic stuff in here:

– tapes pauses/flips touched up
– Phil – the low end on this capture makes me wonder if a 3rd mic was employed
– A sheep was in attendance. (with black leather chrome spiked suspenders??)
– Bob, Brent & the Rhythm Devils jam it out after Terrapin.
– How do you like your TOO?? Shaken or stirred??
– The Joint… round & round. After all we are in Grass Valley.

Happy random listening to whatever you might randomly listen to this day.


Sweet Lord, this Jack Straw — Mamma mia— burning off both of my ears!



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One response to “Grass Valley Grateful Dead”

  1. Corry342 Avatar

    Long ago, on a planet far, far away, I went to this show. It was well-attended, but either not sold out or at least not oversold. It was a sunny day in the Sierras, which meant a dry heat with no insects. The crowd was Dead-friendly, for sure, but mostly it was people from the region who were happy to see any major band in their zone. Sure, there were a few Berkeley hippies and the like, but in those days the West Coast Deadheads did not make a point of traveling. No point–the band would be back at Oakland Auditorium soon enough.

    My principal memory is this: in those days, I made a point of paying attention, because otherwise (I felt) there was no reason to make a great effort to see the band. On the solo for "They Love Each Other," otherwise a typical first set filler song, Jerry absolutely tore the roof off. It was a lesson in staying alert.

    I just listened it, possibly for the first time since then (I don't really know). The way the mix works on the tape, it doesn't have the presence that Garcia had on that sunny day in the lower Sierra, but I can tell there was something going on, and I didn't imagine it.

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