Howard Rheingold Interviews Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir

Not sure I know this one, pinning it here so I can find it again!



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3 responses to “Howard Rheingold Interviews Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir”

  1. corpslave Avatar

    these are so interesting – the interviewer isn't simply going back to the same lazy places that so many interviewers went with Jerry – 'what were your musical influences, tell me about your missing finger" etc…these are just cool raps on topics that the participants are truly interested in. I heard this one recently, and found it coming from a refreshing point of view as well.

  2. Fate Music Avatar

    The Alice Kahn one was interesting-weird to me. I think I annotated it and will post those annotations when I have a minute.

  3. Fate Music Avatar

    Here's another Howard Rheingold chat, with Garcia and Bear. How brilliant is Garcia?!? Jeez.

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