I stand corrected: it is that bad

The pithy title I gave to a set of 8/24/84 listening notes (s1 only) was “It’s not that bad, given how much Persian he was doing.”

I stand corrected. Yes, yes it is.

It is *that bad*.

Here are notes on the three consecutive tracks of s2:
! P: s2t01 HTC … these vocals
are about as bad as they would ever be.
! P: s2t02 Sugaree … the voice is absolutely *gone*. Even I can barely listen to it.
! P: s2t03 DLG these are the worst vocals in the history of Jerry

As of today, I hold that this, 8/24/84 is the worst vocal show in GOTS history. FWIW.

LN jg1984-08-24.jgb.all-1.aud.138021.flac1644

Jerry Garcia Band
The Stone
412 Broadway
San Francisco, CA 94133
August 24, 1984 (Friday)
all-1 DL AF flac1644 shnid-138021

–set I (5 tracks, 46:32)–
s1t01. Cats Under the Stars
s1t02. Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door
s1t03. Get Out of My Life Woman
s1t04. Let it Rock
s1t05. De/al

–set II (3 tracks, 1 missing, 41:58)–
s2t01. [0:11] The Harder They Come [13:03] [0:02] %
s2t02. Sugaree
s2t03. Don’t Let Go
[MISSING: Midnight Moonlight]

! ACT1: Jerry Garcia Band #21b
! lineup: Jerry Garcia – el-g, vocals;
! lineup: John Kahn – el-b;
! lineup: Melvin Seals – organ;
! lineup: David Kemper – drums;
! lineup: Jacklyn LaBranch – vocals;
! lineup: Gloria Jones – vocals.

! Recording: symbols: % = recording discontinuity; / = clipped song; // = cut song; … = fade in/out; # = truncated timing; [ ] = recorded event time. The recorded event time immediately after the song or item name is an attempt at getting the “real” time of the event. So, a timing of [x:xx] right after a song title is an attempt to say how long the song really was, as represented on this recording.

! Jerrybase: https://jerrybase.com/events/19840824-01

! db: http://etreedb.org/shn/124940 (s1 only); shnid-138021 (this fileset).

! map: http://goo.gl/maps/L0BBt

! JGBP: http://jerrygarciasbrokendownpalaces.blogspot.com/2012/07/stone-mothers-412-broadway-san.html

! band: http://lostlivedead.blogspot.com/2012/01/jerry-garcia-band-personnel-1975-1995.html.  #21b: THE Jerry Garcia Band.

! JGMF: “It’s not that bad, given how much Persian he was doing,” http://jgmf.blogspot.com/2013/08/ln-jg1984-08-24jgbs1aud.html.   

! JGMF: “I love you Jer, but these vocals are below the bar,” http://jgmf.blogspot.com/2014/12/ln-jg1984-08-26jgballaud.html.

! R: source: Unknown AUD (low-gen) kindly provided from the collection of DL.

! R: Transfer: Maxell XLII > Nakamichi CR-5A > Edirol FA-66 > Wavelab 2448 >
R8Brain > CD-Wave > TLH > FLAC 1644 tagged. Transfer by Andrew F. 03/2017

! R: Note: First Set from same root source as shnid-124940. Tape-flip at 1:21 in Deal, about a minute missing. Tape ends on first note of Midnight Moonlight.

! P: s2t01 HTC this band can play. Can barely aspirate the word “shine”. But the mounting guitar buildup in late 2 just sounds stunning, this tape capturing hot and sweaty Garcia guitar at the Stone. From way down deep inside him, since shallower layers were pretty well numbed. More of the same guitar break 4, still playing wonderfully 4:30, charming, fluid guitar work, another go ’round, I think #4, 4:45ff. Left off 9:25, Melvin had been playing for awhile, nothing special. 11 these vocals are about as bad as they would ever be.

! P: s2t02 Sugaree the guitar work is working, but the voice is absolutely *gone*. Even I can barely listen to it.

! P: s2t03 DLG these are the worst vocals in the history of Jerry. Very late 6 Kemper drives Garcia to a savage space, very dark and moody. Kemper is really leading the charge here, and Garcia drops chin to chest and wails a little bit. Kahn walks it into a jazzier space, everyone where he should be.

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9 responses to “I stand corrected: it is that bad”

  1. Nick Avatar

    Apropos of Don't Let Go, it only just occurred to me that Jerry played it regularly — enough to say it was “in the rotation” — from fall 1981 to summer 83 (through the end of Errico’s tenure with the band), then just a very small smattering in 83-84 (it was brought back for good in '88). Yet he played it for three shows in a row in Aug 84. Not implying any deep meaning, but it's interesting.

  2. Fate Music Avatar

    Yeah, that is interesting. My one line summary of 8/27 reads "Interesting Don't Let Go makes up for shredded vocals" – http://jgmf.blogspot.com/2014/12/ln-jg1984-08-27jgballaud.html – something like the "compensation hypothesis" may be operating.

  3. Unknown Avatar

    Good stuff. This is a good show from the same era/locale … Better vox.

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    I don't have 8/24, so I can't compare it to the other two DLG's of this run but I agree that the 8/27 version is the better of the two I do have. Sounds like he was trying to do something at the 18 minute mark but I can't make out what.

    The take-off jam on the DLG on 8/26 comes out of nowhere. One minute we're grooving along and a second later he hits Hyper-Space and off we go.

    I went ahead and gave the 8/28 acoustic show a listen and he seems in better shape vocal wise but not by much. They go downhill pretty quickly. His playing though!!! He rips Deep Elem with a crisp attack.

  5. Fate Music Avatar

    Thanks so much for sharing your reflections. Yes, there are some pretty stunning moments, often in widely contrasting registers, in all of these gigs.

  6. Anonymous Avatar

    I was able to listen to the show on 8/24 and I liked the DLG from it best. Love the comment about Kemper driving Garcia into a "SAVAGE" place. What's interesting is comparing this version to the next night. When Jerry hits the Hyper -Space button on the 8/26 version I wonder if it was his way of saying… Oh yeah remember last night when you pushed it? Well here we go man..it's on now, try to keep up. Haha


  7. Fate Music Avatar

    Thanks! Yeah, it's fun to listen to these contemporaneous shows and imagine how they might have played out together.

  8. Anonymous Avatar

    Yes, the vocals are horrific, especially the first tune or two in the set, but the problem was more the free base than the Persian — anesthetized vocal chords. BUT, the point is the guitar, not the vocals, and the guitar is SOMETHING ELSE.

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