JGMS: July 13-15, 1972 (UNCERTAIN)

The item above, from the great “Rock Talk by KG” column in the Hayward Daily Review (July 13, 1972, p. 27) says that Jerry Garcia and Merl Saunders will be playing Keystone Berkeley “through July 17”, implying shows on July 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17.

There are no known (to me) Garcia conflicts with Thursday July 13, Friday the 14th or or Saturday the 15th. On the 16th, GD played Dillon Stadium in Hartford, CT, and on the 17th Garcia sat in with the Allman Brothers at Gaelic Park in the Bronx, NYC.

So we can clearly rule out 7/16/72 and 7/17/72. But what about 7/13/72, 7/14/72, and 7/15/72? I am inclined to list them as tentative JGMS gigs.


p.s., while I am at it, I should note that the Jerry Site’s entry for a show on 7/11/72, derived from information about the Third Betty Batch tapes, is almost certainly a mistaken reference to 7/11/73. At some point it should probably go to the place I have called TJS-deletion, unless and until TJS builds in a way of cataloging mislabels, canceled gigs and such.

! seealso: apparently JGMS played in little Ben Lomond on 7/12/72, making these gigs seem more likely, for sure – a warm up off the beaten path (to say the least) before the big Bay Area gigs.



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2 responses to “JGMS: July 13-15, 1972 (UNCERTAIN)”

  1. Corry342 Avatar

    There's something very strange about this week. The Grateful Dead were booked into a Sunday afternoon stadium show in Hartford, and a Tuesday afternoon stadium show in New Jersey, and then a weekend in the Pacific Northwest. What, there wasn't a Friday night gig anywhere on the East Coast?

    If we assume the Dead flew out for the Sunday afternoon show, they would have had to fly out Saturday (7/14), wouldn't they? A red-eye would still leave SFO at midnight, and Jerry and Merl would have just been getting their groove on. So that leaves only Friday, July 13.

    This does have the look of a set of dates scheduled tentatively for Jerry and Merl that got superseded. However, I would think that stadium shows were scheduled very far in advance, so it's strange that the conflict even came up at all.

    For my money, I'd list 7/13 as tentative, the rest as unsupportable. Somebody–I think me–has to make sense of the two date mid-week Eastern "tour."

  2. Corry342 Avatar

    I've now changed my view, after a little research. Thursday and Friday July 13-14 seem fairly plausible, Saturday July 15 not so. July 16-17 were obviously not supportable. In fact "17" may have just been a typo.

    I'll make a post out of my research, eventually.

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