Just Like Wolfman Jack

Man, the Dead’s 3/26/73 show in Baltimore is the cat’s meow. Hearing Garcia grin behind his beard during Ramble on Rose, after Wolman Jack had just come out on stage and done his thing, is worth the price of admission — which, due to the miracle of Deadhead ingenuity and the internet happens to be free, e.g., here.  But the whole gig is fantastic, from the 17-song first set, to a beautiful jam post-Truckin’ which lists (and indeed includes) a Weather Report Prelude, but touches on many distinct themes, to the anything-you-can-do-I-can-do-better one-upsmanship whereby Jerry responds to Bob’s Bobby McGee not only with Eyes, but with Eyes -> Dew — wow. I know The Powers That Be have released 3/28 and 4/2, which are both terrific, but I can imagine that 3/26 got some good long consideration. Great, great stuff. What a band.



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One response to “Just Like Wolfman Jack”

  1. Unknown Avatar

    I love this show. I got turned onto it this fall and spent a great morning with that Morning Dew when I was walking home one day after dropping my daughter off at nursery school. I put my headphones on and got lost in my neighborhood while spacing out. I later burned a copy of that second set jam for my cousin who is also a huge head and gave it to him for thanksgiving and another copy to a friend of mine at work who loves the Dead. All agree that that second set jam is tops.

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