Do any of you venuologists (or anyone else) have any ideas about how best to codify the geospatial data attached to the locations we love?
So let’s say, hypothetically, I have a giant spreadsheet full of concerts and such. There are pretty well coded temporal data. For many of the events of interest, I have address, city, state and zip.
What’s the best, quickest, and most fungible way to code in geospatial data? I guess I am thinking GPS coordinates.
Related, I just tried the following process, with the following results.
1268 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA, 94109
Google Maps:,+San+Francisco,+CA&hl=en&ll=37.787624,-122.421319&spn=0.010582,0.026157&sll=37.788929,-122.421319&sspn=0.010581,0.026157&oq=1268+Sutt&hnear=1268+Sutter+St,+San+Francisco,+California+94109&t=h&z=16
When I plug that back into Google Maps, it takes me to 1244 Sutter Street:
Ultimately, I am interested in street addresses. But since some of them may no longer exist, it seems to me that some kind of geospatial coding is preferable. But I am worried that on my very first look at this, I get the kind of result above, one which could really mess me up.
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