NRPS June 21-23, 1971 Boarding House – CANCELED

San Francisco Chronicle, June 21, 1971, p. 47.

Here’s an interesting one that I don’t quite know what to do with – NRPS and Rowan Bothers playing the Boarding House June 21-23, 1971.

Of course, Garcia was in France on 6/21, and even gaining back 7 or 8 hours he probably couldn’t have been back to the City to play on Tuesday (6/22), though it’s not impossible. Wednesday 6/23, however, our hero certainly could have been back and playing.

I do wonder who was playing pedal steel these first two nights, if the NRPS ended up playing?

**update, 5 minutes later **

Sometimes the answers to our questions are closer than we think. From SFC 6/22/71, p. 37:

I guess that’s all I  have to say about that.



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One response to “NRPS June 21-23, 1971 Boarding House – CANCELED”

  1. Fate Music Avatar

    A handbill for this event recently showed up on ebay. Doesn't add anything we don't know, and nothing fancy, but anyway …

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