Oakland Times

In at least June and July 1973 a paper called Oakland Times ran some Keystone articles, some Jerry data that are interesting. I have copies of some clippings, but there is no little publication information. 

Oakland Public Library has a few numbers in 1965: http://encore.oaklandlibrary.org/iii/encore/record/C__Rb1507575__Soakland+times__Orightresult__X5?lang=eng&suite=cobalt
Nothing turns up in any of the following
Kirsten Baldock of the Magazines and Newspapers Department at OPL gave me one other clue: “I suspect … that you are
looking for the Oakland Times that
was published by
W.T. Masterson starting around 1965.”
Does anyone know anything about this publication? I’d love to paw through it a little.




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