Old And In The Way Performance List


Here’s a list of all known-to-me performances by Old And In The Way. It includes a few rehearsals and a handful of studio dates, but is mostly live gigs (N=49). Date-venue combos that show up twice indicate early and late shows. This info is in my spreadsheets (as is all kinds of other stuff), but for ease of presentation as a document I didn’t include it here.

Comments and all that most welcomed!



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3 responses to “Old And In The Way Performance List”

  1. arzjr Avatar

    I noticed you have a Rowans date confirmed by the OSF. Any indications that they may have some unheard OAITW tapes? (Fingers crossed)

  2. Fate Music Avatar
  3. Fate Music Avatar

    BTW, I don't have any secret OSF information. I wish! They mentioned this at some point on their FB page.

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