Open-Air Vasseur: JGB at Shoreline, July 26, 1992

LN jg1992-07-26.jgb.all.aud-vasseur.141462.flac1644

Brief listening notes.

Vasseur Warfield tapes are incredible. Vasseur Shoreline tapes are … incredible. So much air in this mics. Wow.

Jerry does some extra percussive stuff in a few places that I found noteworthy.

Guy who called out “Reuben!” and got it must have been pretty fired up. I would have been. I lament that Jerry missed the “Cherise was dressing as Pirouette in white” line, but whaddya gonna do? Did you ever notice that “Reuben And Cherise” sometimes touches on “Terrapin” territory? I heard it somewhat late in this version, let’s say right around late 7 over 8. Nothing explicit, it just came to mind. I find Jerry three or four times trying to step out from the assigned chords of the song into some other space. He hits some interesting allusions, but he just can’t see it through. I can *almost* here possibilities of hte song opening up a good deal more, what it might sound like.

Reuben, Gomorrah: that is definitely some “don’t look back” thematic consistency there. Both Orpheus and the wife of Lot could have used the reminder.

Not bad, I’d say average for the period.

Jerry Garcia Band
Shoreline Amphitheatre
1 Ampitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
July 26, 1992 (Sunday) – 2 PM
Vasseur shnid-141462

–set I (7 tracks, 55:52)–
s1t01. (1) [0:29] Cats Under The Stars [9:01] [0:52]
s1t02. They Love Each Other [6:52] [0:37]
s1t03. Simple Twist Of Fate [11:30] [0:15]
s1t04. Let It Rock [6:10] [1:20]
s1t05. Run For The Roses [5:40] ->
s1t06. My Sisters And Brothers [4:08] [0:04]
s1t07. Deal [8:42] (2) [0:22]

–set II + encore (9 tracks, 75:18)–
–set II (8 tracks, 66:21)–
s2t08. [0:05] Stop That Train [7:50] [0:18]
s2t09. You Never Can Tell [5:28] [0:16]
s2t10. Lay Down Sally [8:59] [0:33]
s2t11. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down [10:07] [0:31]
s2t12. (3) Reuben And Cherise [9:00] [0:38]
s2t13. Gomorrah [6:37] [0:12]
s2t14. Ain’t No Bread In The Breadbox [8:58] [0:14]
s2t15. Midnight Moonlight [6:13] (4) [0:12] %
–encore (1 track, 8:54)–
s2t16. [0:10] What A Wonderful World [8:31] (5) [0:13]

! ACT1: JGB #21b (THE Jerry Garcia Band)
! lineup: Jerry Garcia – guitar, vocals;
! lineup: John Kahn – bass;
! lineup: Melvin Seals – keyboards;
! lineup: David Kemper – drums;
! lineup: Jacklyn LaBranch – backing vocals;
! lineup: Gloria Jones – backing vocals.


! Recording: symbols: % = recording discontinuity; / = clipped song; // = cut song; … = fade in/out; # = truncated timing; [ ] = recorded event time. The recorded event time immediately after the song or item name is an attempt at getting the “real” time of the event. So, a timing of [x:xx] right after a song title is an attempt to say how long the song really was, as represented on this recording.

! Jerrybase:

! db:


! Sue: 6,850 tix @ $22.50, 13,150 @ 18.50 (20,000 total capacity), GP $397,400, surcharge of 10%, so net gross potential of $357,660. Band guarantee $35,000 plus various percentage provisions.

! R: field recordist: Chuck and Janet Vasseur

! R: field recording gear: 2x Neumann KM54 > DAT

! R: Transfer: DAT Master > CDR (Kyle Porter)

! R: Extract: CDR clone > EAC > WAV > FLAC16 (Bill Shaw aka Shark)

! R: Source Notes: Sometime in the early 2000’s, Chuck loaned Kyle all of his 92-95 JGB masters to transfer to CDR. Kyle “mastered” the DATs to CDR, fading in/out as needed, adjusting levels (as needed) and tracking. Kyle then gave Chuck his masters back, with nice CDR copies of all of it. Chuck offered to clone the entire set for me, so I gave him a spool of 100 blank MITSUI CDRs and the next time I saw him, he gave them back to me, filled with his JGB recordings. Many of the Chuck V. JGB recordings do circulate already, but probably not all of them, and those that do may not be the Kyle Porter transfers. So, Here they are! –Shark

! R: No audible bass for first four minutes, vocals low, but this is a really nice tape, simultaneously spacious and punchy. The guitar sounds incredible, the drums sound great.

! s1t01 (1) taper, or neighbor: “Resplendent.” Yell to stage: “Were’s those ties, Jerry?”

! P: s1t01 CUTS a little lyrical uncertainty. Adjusting mix starts getting John, and he announces himself with a nice little run 4:03. Kemper bangs his way to the satin blouse break very assertively, leaving no doubt as to where the band needed to go. Effect to some feedback that Jerry nicely rides at 6. Love this tone!

! P: s1t02 TLEO @ 5:45 voice a little phlegmy.

! P: s1t03 STOF bass thing 6:10ish

! P: s1t04 LIR solo 2:30ff more percussive than fluent, but kind of interesting. Ol Jer did love him some rock n roll guitar. @ 3:13 he puts some sustain on it.

! P: s1t07 Deal excellent brief fanning action late 5.

! s1t07 (2) JG: “Be back in a few minutes.”

! s2t12 (3) a crowd member yells “‘Reuben And Cherise’, Jerry!” and then Jerry drops into it. Good call, fella.

! P: s2t12 RAC he morphs the “Cherise was dressed as Pirouette in white” line into a “Reuben, Reuben”, but he recovers. Muffs second verse start before “the breeze”. Some reasonably interesting stuff, in the Terrapin space for a minute. He tries to explore some unusual spaces, changing key some, but can’t quite get his ideas to extend, e.g., late 7 over 8. Goes around a little too long. @ 8:43 JG drops off for a measure to key in the close.

! P: s2t13 Gomorrah you can really hear his voice being gravelly to start this off.

! P: s2t14 ANBITB some really nice percussive stuff in the 6 minute range, never heard Jerry do it quite like this, Kemper also on it.

! s2t15 (4) JG: “Thanks a lot. See ya later.”

! P: s2t16 WAWW bass feature 6ff.

! s2t16 (5) JG: “See y’all later.”



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