Picture of the Murdering Punks at the Inn

A little piece in the from the Santa Rosa Press-Democrat on the tenth anniversary of the Inn of the Beginning in Cotati notes that “A picture spread in the Pacific Sun featured Jerry Garcia and the New Riders of the Purple Sage playing there in their early days”. Great – now I *have* to track that down.

! ref: Jensen,
Sophia. 1978. Inn celebrates its beginning. Press-Democrat
(Santa Rosa, CA), September 29, p. 1B.



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One response to “Picture of the Murdering Punks at the Inn”

  1. Fate Music Avatar

    Well, I found it. It's in the 12/3/69 Pacific Sun. It's not a picture spread of the New Riders – it's a picture of the New Riders, undated, Garcia and Marmaduke. It must be the only picture of 1969 New Riders in action. No joy on the bass player, to anticipate Corry.

    Two kickers.

    First, the picture is crazy blurry, which is made worse by microfilm.

    Second, I seem to have left my thumb drive at the library in San Rafael. D'oh!

    I wonder if Pacific Sun has archives somewhere? Tracking down the photo (which was uncredited in the paper), seeing if there are any others, might be worthwhile.

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