Placeholder Dates

Some time back, you all convinced me that I should track placeholder dates, and I agreed that it would be helpful in all kinds of ways. But I confess that, not having systematically tracked all of this, it would be a truly massive pile of work to try to reconstruct it all.

Does anyone have a starter list? Barring that, I guess I’ll try to use comments here to drop breadcrumbs, and I’ll invite you all to do the same, if you care to.







One response to “Placeholder Dates”

  1. Fate Music Avatar

    My plan will be to use first of the month where I know the month of an event, first of the year when I know the year. I don't think I should try to parse more finely than that (e.g., using the 15th if it's mid-month sometime), but I am open to your thoughts.

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