Red Rocks

Saw something in some ca. ’84 GD band meeting minutes where Weir says they should move heaven and earth to play Red Rocks. Spent some time with one of the ’83 gigs, and now running 9/7/85, and boy oh boy are they good. I hadn’t recalled 9/7/85 being this good. Jerry sounds very together, his voice much better than I recall from just a few days before on the last Cryptical attempt (9/3/85).

And this, my friends, is a stellar recording:



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2 responses to “Red Rocks”

  1. Fred Levitan Avatar

    Went to the '84 Red Rocks shows, and they were pretty sloppy. Only time I managed to catch the Dead there – had tix in '83, but foolishly managed to get them stolen while off on a swim during my hitchhiking journey.

  2. Fate Music Avatar

    I don't know the '84 shows. The '83 that I heard was stellar.

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