Rocks, Bottles, and a Tired-Sounding Jerry: JGB at the Warfield, February 27, 1993

Apparently 12 people were arrested after this Saturday night show, allegedly for throwing rocks and bottles at police. Ten months earlier had seen unrest in the area, not necessarily caused by Jerry’s kids, but related instead to acquittal of the cops in their trial for beating Rodney King in LA. No idea what might have triggered this early ’93 issue.

Janet and Chuck Vasseur pulled an absolute masterpiece of a tape this night, as so many others. The show has its moments, including a nice easy start with “I Second That Emotion” (a tune I don’t generally favor) and, especially, Old Jerry heart-feeling “I Shall Be Released”. “Simple Twist” is also super-gentle. Lots to like in the set II song selection, especially, for me, “Reuben And Cherise”. But I spun it three times and didn’t get many sparks.

But Jerry sounds exhausted all night. I take to heart Mr. Completely’s advice to avoid drug determinism, and I don’t think it would be engaging in that fallacy to note 1) that Jerry sounds exhausted, and 2) we know, via Barbara Meier, that he was using in this period. It’s not deterministic, but neither is this pure coincidence, IMO, YMMV.

Jerry Garcia Band
The Warfield
982 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
February 27, 1993 (Saturday)
Vasseur shnid-141455

–set  (8 tracks, 72:43)–
s1t01. I Second That Emotion [9:48] [0:52]
s1t02. I Shall Be Released [9:12] [1:15]
s1t03. Mission In The Rain [8:22] [1:16]
s1t04. [0:07] Simple Twist Of Fate [10:15] [0:26]
s1t05. Ain’t No Bread In The Breadbox [8:12] [0:50]
s1t06. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down [9:34] %
s1t07. /My Sisters And Brothers [#4:26] ->
s1t08. Deal [8:00] (1) [0:08]

–set II (7 tracks, 62:10)–
s2t09. Shining Star [13:34] [0:26]
s2t10. Tore Up Over You [7:30] [1:10]
s2t11. Wonderful World [4:38] [0:09]
s2t12. The Maker [8:05] [0:11]
s2t13. Lay Down Sally [9:24] [2:05]
s2t14. Reuben And Cherise [8:24] ->
s2t15. Midnight Moonlight [6:30] (2) [0:05]

! ACT1: Jerry Garcia Band #21b
! lineup: Jerry Garcia – el-g, vocals;
! lineup: John Kahn – el-b;
! lineup: Melvin Seals – keyboards;
! lineup: David Kemper – drums;
! lineup: Gloria Jones – vocals;
! lineup: Jacklyn LaBranch – vocals.


! R: symbols: % = recording discontinuity; / = clipped song; // = cut song; … = fade in/out; # = truncated timing; [x:xx] = recorded event time. The recorded event time immediately after the song or item name is an attempt at getting the “real” time of the event. So, a timing of [x:xx] right after a song title is an attempt to say how long the song really was, as represented on this recording.

! Jerrybase:

! db:;; (this fileset). As far as I can tell without A-B’ing, these are all from the Vasseur master.

! map:


! venue:

! band:

! expost: “12 arrests at Garcia concert,” Argus-Courier (Petaluma, CA), March 2, 1993, p. 2, allegedly for throwing rocks and bottles at the police.

! R: field recordist: Janet and Chuck Vasseur

! R: field recording gear: 2x Neumann KM54 > DAT

! R: Transfer: DAT Master > CDR (Kyle Porter); Extract: CDR clone > EAC > WAV > FLAC16 (Bill Shaw aka Shark)

! R: This is a masterpiece of field recording.

! R: seeder notes: Sometime in the early 2000’s, Chuck loaned Kyle all of his 92-95 JGB masters to transfer to CDR. Kyle “mastered” the DATs to CDR, fading in/out as needed, adjusting levels (as needed) and tracking. Kyle then gave Chuck his masters back, with nice CDR copies of all of it. Chuck offered to clone the entire set for me, so I gave him a spool of 100 blank MITSUI CDRs and the next time I saw him, he gave them back to me, filled with his JGB recordings. Many of the Chuck V. JGB recordings do circulate already, but probably not all of them, and those that do may not be the Kyle Porter transfers. So, here they are! –Shark

! P: s1t01 ISTE It’s well known that I don’t love this song. But I like how this feels coming out of the gate, despite the fact that Jerry definitely sounds vocally fragile.

! P: s1t02 ISBR I hadn’t really grokked that he played this as consistently in the 90s as he did. This comes in sounding absolutely wonderful. Old Jerry.

! P: s1t03 MITR Garcia sounds quite wasted.

! P: s1t04 STOF bass feature late 5 is almost entirely inaudible, goes to about 7:10. This is a remarkably gentle version of STOF.

! P: s1t06 TNTDODD Melvin bg swirly feature over 6

! R: s1t07-08 strange to have a discontnuty and a clpped start w a DAT master.

! s1t08 (1) JG: “back in a couple minutes”

! P: s2t02 TUOY some good guitar 5:30ff.

! s2t15 (2) JG: “Thanks a lot.”



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