Rolling Thunder Data

Rumor has long had it that Mickey has a massive trove of tape and information related to recordings made at his barn studio, a.k.a. Rolling Thunder, at 2495 Novato Blvd. between about 1971 and sometime in the early 1980s. As usual, Corry has done outstanding work pinning some of this down, but there’s probably oodles more to learn.

If anyone here knows or is in touch with Mickey’s people — I saw yesterday they were sharing on social media the SF Chronicle preview I posted of the July 30 – August 1, 1970 New Riders (headlining) and acoustic GD shows at the Lion’s Share — please let him/them know I will help organize their data pro bono, so long as I can use them. I will create a giant database of times, people, tunes, etc. etc. As Mickey’s amateur musicology involves him in collecting sounds, instruments, and stories from musicmakers in far-flung locales, so my amateur musicology would have me poring over Rolling Thunder data.

In the meantime, I have just spent some time in the Grateful Dead Archive on the beautiful campus of UC Santa Cruz, and I came across some Warner Brothers’ interoffice memos supplying information about some of the dates on which the material appearing on Mickey’s Rolling Thunder album (Warner Brothers BS 2635, September 1972) was recorded. The earlier document, dated 9/7, is full of handwritten notes, while the latter, from a week later, is cleanly typed. I should not that one scribble on the earlier document says these are dates on which recording began.

Me being me, I tabulate the existing credit information from deaddisc (linked above) with the new information on dates. (Click to enlarge.)

Table xxx. Recording credits and information for Rolling Thunder from Warner Brothers interoffice memos. Source: “Business: Rolling Thunder Productions, 1972-1973,” Grateful Dead Archive, Special Collections, UC Santa Cruz, MS.332.ser. 2, box 20, folder 11.

Where the dates align, I obviously pin those. Where they conflict, I make a judgment: that recording was centered in 1972 and not 1971, except for The Chase, which was NOT recorded two months after the memo was written.

Me still being me, of course, the Garcia information draws my eye. (Jerry) Garcia is credited on four tracks: “The Chase” (begun 11/6/71), “Deep, Wide and Frequent” (begun 4/14/72), “Pump Song” (4/6/72) and “Gran’ma’s Cookies” (7/20/72). While we can’t be entirely sure he attended the initial sessions for any song, it makes sense to pin down the ones we can, and I will do so at Jerrybase with the confidence parameter set to “Uncertain Date” for the ones that don’t conflict. Alas, two of the four *do* conflict, dated to when Garcia was manifestly in Europe and thus not, in body at least, at Hart’s Barn. So those will just have to float, for now – unless and until Mickey et al. make it possible for me, or someone, to commune with more Rolling Thunder data.

BONUS EYE CANDY: Warner Brothers’ Circular (its “weekly news device”) pimping Rolling Thunder:




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