Ross Valory “has … jammed with the Jerry Garcia – Mel [sic] Saunders group in Bay Area clubs”

update: David Kramer-Smyth notes in comments that the article was edited, and that it originally said George Tickner had sat in with Jerry and Merl. True enough. I will keep this here for posterity, in any case.

Blumenthal, Les. 1975. Music to make your adrenalin [sic]
rush. Spokesman-Review, July 6, 1975, Spokane Week section, p. 1.

This is the kind of tiny little random mention that comes over the transom that I just have to pin down. At some point, Ross Valory apparently sat in with Jerry and Merl. I hope the magic of the internet can happen here, and someone can come up with a concrete memory – preferably dated. Heh heh.



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2 responses to “Ross Valory “has … jammed with the Jerry Garcia – Mel [sic] Saunders group in Bay Area clubs””

  1. David Kramer-Smyth Avatar

    I have seen this article. It has a major editing problem. They cut out a band member from a sentence. The missing part should read George Tickner …has jammed with the Garcia…

  2. Fate Music Avatar

    Ahhh, yes, rather important – thanks!

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