Slowly Unraveled Over You: JGB 3c at Keystone Palo Alto, April 9, 1977

Obviously I am catching up on posting some listening notes. Quality will be even more variable than usual.

LN jg1977-04-09.jgb.all.aud-bunjes.13361.shn2flac
Some tapes travel unlikely paths to our ears. Here’s an unattributed aud tape, the only one circulating, which went to Germany before coming out into the broader world. I really love the feel of it. It’s not amazing, but it’s got character.
The show features what I presently list as JGB 3c. JGB 3 is the basic Keith and Donna version with Tutt, starting in ’76. Not least because the JGB was relatively uninstitutionalized at this point, many variations popped up around the invariant Jerry, John and Keith core. I have proposed cataloguing them as follows:
3b: #3 + Maria – e.g., 9/12/76
3c: #3 + second guitarist – e.g., 11/20/76
3d: #3 + John Rich – e.g., 12/21/76
3e: #3 + Maria + second guitarist – e.g., 2/5/77
3f: #3 – Tutt + Errico – e.g., 6/23/77
3g: #3 – Donna + Maria (e.g., 7/3/77)
3h: #3 – Donna (e.g., 7/8/77)
3i: #3 – Tutt + Kreutzmann – e.g., 8/12/77
I know that’s a little bit ridiculous, but it has the nice taxonomic quality of the categories being mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive.
So, I say I say I say, 4/9/77 features variant 3c, the basic group plus the second guitarist. He is pretty far in the background most of the night, as he was on every night he played. He plays tastefully throughout, though, seems to eschew a feature opportunity in “Stir It Up” and steps forward a little more, seemingly because everyone else in the band was insisting that he take the space that they were giving him, during “Tore Up”. This is his last known appearance with Jerry, though we can’t really be sure. At the setbreak announcement, Jerry says something about getting things straightened out, which might be nothing, might be equipment related, or might indeed be about attempting to find alignment with the visitor.
The post title speaks to this version of “Tore Up Over You”, which doesn’t involve Hank Ballard’s sudden rending so much as a soft disentegument. Clocking in at almost 20 minutes (!), this has to be the longest version of this tune ever played by anyone. It finds some nice quiet and open spaces, and Jerry even bends some strings for a bit, but to me it stands as a cautionary tale and monument to the excesses of JGB #3 – whatever the suffix.
Set II is short for the period, 3 songs and 47 minutes (heh heh). I wouldn’t be surprised if a tune or two preceded Midnight Moonlight, or happened in between the songs presented here. We can’t tell, since there are tape discontinuities after every song. We do know that Tangled Up bumped up against closing time in Palo Alto. (No, not 9 PM, you Weisenheimers.)
All told, very glad this tape made its way into the world, though it does nothing to dissuade me from the view that JGB #3 was most often kind of a snooze.

Jerry Garcia Band
Keystone Palo Alto
260 S. California Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94306 
April 9, 1977 (Saturday)
aud shnid-13361 shn2flac
–set I (6 tracks, 72:43)–
s1t01. They Love Each Other [8:08] % [0:11]
s1t02. That’s What Love Will Make You Do [11:06] [0:05] %
s1t03. Stir It Up [15:40] [0:06] %
s1t04. [0:05] Simple Twist Of Fate [14:02][0:09] %
s1t05. [0:06] Mystery Train [10:22] [0:03] % [0:05]
s1t06. The Way You Do The Things You Do [12:13] (1) [0:20]
–set II (3 tracks, possibly incomplete, 47:17)–
s2t01. [0:08] Midnight Moonlight [14:59] [0:02] %
s2t02. [0:16] Tore Up Over You [19:48] [0:08] %
s2t03. Tangled Up In Blue [11:30] (2) [0:13] % dead air [0:11]
! ACT1: Jerry Garcia Band #3c
! lineup: Jerry Garcia – el-g, vocals;
! lineup: Keith Godchaux – keyboards, vocals;
! lineup: John Kahn – el-b;
! lineup: Ron Tutt – drums, vocals;
! lineup: Donna Jean Godchaux – vocals;
! guest: [redacted] – el-g.
! Recording: symbols: % = recording discontinuity; / = clipped song; // = cut song; … = fade in/out; # = truncated timing; [x:xx] = recorded event time. The recorded event time immediately after the song or item name is an attempt at getting the “real” time of the event. So, a timing of [x:xx] right after a song title is an attempt to say how long the song really was, as represented on this recording.
! Jerrybase:
! db: shnid-13361 (this fileset)
! map:
! band: JGB #3c ( This band features second guitarist XXX, who was also around on 1/29-30, 2/5-6, and 4/10, at least. This might even be considered a separate band, since that’s most of the shows from the first part of ’77, and possibly some in late ’76 as well.
! setlist: Jerrybase lists starting time, presumably from the contract, as 9:30. If we allow for starting very late and for a very long setbreak, and in view of that fact that TUIB definitely lands on closing time, it’s possible this set II is complete. But in the absence of other information, we can’t really know. I would not be shocked if another song or two preceded Mid Moon.
! historical: Keystone $750 contract
! ad: San Francisco Sunday Examiner and Chronicle Datebook, April 3, 1977, p. 43
! R: MAC (unknown taper, equipment, location) > reel > playback on Uher reel-to-reel machine > Marantz standalone CD recorder master CD > Plextor CD extraction using EAC (high, secure, offset-corrected) > .shn encoding using mkwACT. Reel > CD by Thomas Donhauser, EAC > SHN and seeding by Hanno.
! R: s1t01-02 needs retracking
! P: s1t02 TWLWMYD I hear the second guitar now, hadn’t heard it in TLEO
! P: s1t03 SIU Keith on electric keys. Second guitarist some very gentle stuff 12ish, as if it were his feature.
! s1t06 (1) JG: “We’re gonna take a break for a little while. We’ll be back a little bit — later, see if we can get things straight.”
! P: s2t01 Mid Moon should have ended it around 13, Jerry was sort of trying to, but it just kept choogling, so he took another spin with it.
! P: s2t02 TUOY guest takes a feature late 11 over 12. He sounds pretty good! The tune enters an extremely quiet section in 16. I can’t believe they will end up playing this song for almost 20 minutes? Jerry bending some strings 17:20.
! s2t03 (2) Emcee: “Thank you, thank you very much. Folks, it’s 2 o’clock. [inaudible, maybe ‘we’ve got to go’]”
! s1t06 (1) JG: “We’ll take a break for a little while. We’ll be back a little … later … soon as we can get things straight.”




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