Something (Beatles)

Deaddisc says Garcia and Saunders played the Beatles “Something” (from Abbey Road). Is this right? Is there tape? Am I forgetting something?






6 responses to “Something (Beatles)”

  1. Alex Allan Avatar

    They played it once on 26 February 1972

  2. Fate Music Avatar

    Hmm, now *that* one has slipped my mind. How do you know this?

  3. Jerry's Brokendown Palaces Avatar

    Armando Peraza was in that configuration…no setlist that I know of…

  4. Light Into Ashes Avatar

    I wondered about that date too.
    But Garcia did play it in early '71 at least… Philip Elwood wrote in his "Dead Leader Who Is Very Much Alive" article, "A performance by the Garcia-Saunders ensemble may last 20 minutes to an hour a crack and range from an initial blues statement to a combination of 'Something' and 'A Good Man Is Hard To Find.'" (SF Examiner, 1/11/71)

  5. Fate Music Avatar

    Wow, I hadn't picked that up. I assume that has been the title of lots of tunes other than the Beatles one, though. Any candidates, or do you think it likely is the Beatles tune?

  6. Light Into Ashes Avatar

    I'm not aware of a single other song named 'Something' at the time. Plus if Elwood dropped the name in a newspaper piece without any other identification, odds are he'd expect readers to assume the Beatles tune.
    What intrigues me more is the old song 'A Good Man Is Hard To Find' (first done by Marion Harris in 1919)…where did Garcia/Saunders pick THAT up?

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