Edited 20110216
The Jerry Garcia Band show listed as Saturday, December 20, 1980, Keystone Palo Alto, Palo Alto, CA, has always struck me odd. I argue here that (1) “12/20/80” is a “phantom” listing, a mislabel of 12/20/79. Along the way (2) I argue that “1/18/81” is also a phantom, a mislabel of 1/18/83. This leads to a new-to-me understanding of when Melvin Seals joined the band; I (3) conclude here that Melvin Seals’s public debut as keyboardist with the Jerry Garcia Band was Thursday, January 22, 1981 at the Keystone Palo Alto, Palo Alto, CA. This can be seen as a companion piece to my query about the start of the Garcia-Saunders relationship.
Observation #1: all circulating tapes of “12/20/80” are actually copies of 12/20/79. No-one with ears to hear (or eyes to see, if one had been there) could confuse Melvin and his Hammond B-3 with Ozzie Ahlers and his electric piano (can’t remember the precise gear right now).
Observation #2: the last reasonably well documented JGB show before “12/20/80” is August 9 (*shiver*), 1980, Keystone Palo Alto, Palo Alto, CA (shnid-29088 [partial sbd]). As we presently understand it, that is the last show of the Garcia-Kahn-Ahlers-Errico quartet version of the Jerry Garcia Band. (Errico would return on October 13, 1982, for another 8-month stint.)
Observation #3: I know of no hard evidence (newspaper ad, ticket stub, attendee recollection, distinct tape, etc. etc.) of a JGB show on 12/20/80. Gordon Sharpless, credited as contributor at TJS, has shared his conclusion that “12/20/80” is a misdate of 12/20/79 in comments.
Observation #4: there have been tape recordings labeled “Melvin Rehearsals”, dated Wednesday, January 14, 1981 through Friday, January 16, 1981, at Club Front in San Rafael, CA. I have January 16th to listen to (thank you, wk!) but haven’t gotten around to it yet. It’s the kind of thing that is going to be all consuming for 90 minutes, and I tend not to have chunks of time like that. Tape datings are among the least reliable data sources we have –I have created a new tag called ‘methodology’, by the way– but the coincidence of Wed-Fri rehearsals right before starting up the new configuration the next week is a strongly suggestive one. (I would have guessed that they’d gig on Saturday 1/17, but if they weren’t ready they probably spent a few more nights rehearsing.) There may well have been further rehearsals, but there is no public information about that. Anyway, these rehearsals are consistent with a later starting date than “12/20/80” … I don’t think workaholic Jerry would have been rehearsing this new band for the 3-4 weeks required to have started up before 12/20/80 and still been rehearsing in the third week of January.
Observation #5: The next conventionally-listed JGB gig is Sunday, January 18, 1981, Catalyst, Santa Cruz, CA. This would be a plausible first gig for a band with a new lineup: Sunday night at the relatively out-of-the-way Catalyst. I see three reasons to conclude that this date is bogus, though. First, the tapes circulating with this date are all from January 18, 1983 (same venue, the Catalyst). Mislabels being what they are, this doesn’t mean an ’81 show on this date and venue didn’t happen. Second, TJS had this note: “DeadBase‘s setlist for this show is a duplication of their 01/18/83 setlist and incorrect”, and it credits gorshar as a contributor. This is exactly like the profile of 12/20/80, of course. Third, the manucript tradition (i.e., Corry’s lists) never contained information on this show. Strike three and this date is out, as far as my current reasoning goes.
Interim Analysis. Here’s what I think happened for both “12/20/80” and “1/18/81”. The old manuscript tradition correctly had no listing for these shows. At some point a tape of 1/18/83 gets mislabeled “1/18/81” (easily enough), just as a tape of 12/21/79 became “12/20/80” (though this one has a less obvious orthographic explanation). This tape forms the basis of a Deadbase listing (most of which, but obviously not this one, drew from Corry’s lists). When the Jerry Site comes around in ca. ?1999? or ?2000?, gorshar tells Ryan about the mislabel, but Ryan (rightly, conservatively) makes the note but keeps the entry in, just in case. But I am prepared to conclude here that 1/18/81 is also a bogus listing.
Observation #6: the next known JGB show is Thursday, January 22, 1981, the first of two nights at the Keystone Palo Alto in Palo Alto, CA (Jerrybase, shnid-97266 [Latvala’s partial audience recording]). These are Melvin’s presumed third and fourth shows, after “12/20/80” and “1/18/81”. But I argue there that 1/22/81 is the correct dating for Melvin Seals’s public debut with the Jerry Garcia Band. The two preceding dates, “12/20/80” and “1/18/81”, are both phantoms, by my analysis.
Aside, re: personnel: Melvin would never leave the JGB’s keyboard chair, putting in an astonishing 14+ years. Without checking the numbers, I think this makes Melvin Jerry’s #2 onstage musical collaborator (in terms of frequency) outside the Grateful Dead, following Jerry’s ol’ buddy John Kahn. There is obviously much, much more to say about Mr. Melvin Seals, who continues, 30 years on, to engage this music as “Melvin Seals and JGB”.
Aside re: venues: Corry’s pathbreaking work on the Keystone complex, including his Garcia shows at Keystone overview, deserves to be borne in mind at all times. His economic analysis is especially important, really providing some good hard evidence about the Garcia-Keystone (let me use that as shorthand for Freddie Herrera and the whole complex here) symbiosis. He mentions the nice complementarities of Jerry being able to rotate through the various clubs, especially in this period when the Keystone Berkeley, Keystone Palo Alto, and the Stone (San Francisco) were all operating. I don’t read him as identifying any further division of labor, but I have a hypothesis: the Keystone Palo Alto was more likely to be used midweek than either of the other two clubs. That’s not to say the KPA never got weekend shows, just that, by the early 80s, if there was woodshedding to be done and a Keystone club was to be involved, it was more likely to happen in Palo Alto than in Berkeley or SF. Otherwise, it seems like slightly more out-of-the-way places such as the Catalyst and the River Theater got a disproportionate share of the “debut” action. And given the fluidity of JGB membership in the early 1980s (e.g., in terms of backup singers and drummers), there was an unusual amount of woodshedding to be done. I do think we could get at this with some very simple statistic tests, but I’ll add that to the “to-do” list.
And a meta point underneath (or “over”, anyway) that: maybe the fact that less central venues tended to get the “debut” performances in the early 80s is why information on precise starting and ending dates has been so inconsistent. Fewer notetakers and tapers = less carry-though to the present. An interesting sociology of knowledge involved in all this, but I digress …
- I argue and conclude that the “12/20/80” JGB date is a phantom
- I argue and provisionally conclude that the “1/18/81” JGB date is a phantom.
- I argue and conclude that Melvin Seals’s public debut with the Jerry Garcia Band was January 22, 1981, following at least some rehearsals the week prior.
Source Check:
McNally, LST: no mention
Jackson, Garcia, p. 321: Melvin’s arrival and tenure noted, but no starting date/timeframe given.
Jackson, cutting room floor: no mention.
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