Zabriskie Point in Sausalito

Zabriskie Point (IMDB) played at the Marin Theatre in Sausalito, let’s say around Thursday, April 2, 1970. It had debuted nationally on February 9 (less than three weeks after Garcia recorded his contribution to the soundtrack, the stunning “Love Scene Improvisation”). Maybe it had been playing for awhile already. I want to note that there’s nothing particular about this showing, other than that it caught my eye in a blur of microfilm.

In a flash, it was the possibility that Jerry might have gone and checked the movie out on some random night, maybe a little thrill at it, music and movies two great loves, and a little feeling of pride in the whole thing, not least the sweet little piece of playing he laid down at MGM Studios, a young man with a future. Or maybe it wasn’t … but it certainly might have been.




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